Want to feel confident in managing your anxiety?

Want to understand the why behind your anxiety and learn practical strategies that actually work?

We have created an e-course based on our years of clinical work and research of working with clients with anxiety.

We noticed that those who understood their anxiety and worked with it, rather than against it were much more likely to feel less anxious and were more confident in knowing how to care for themselves.

Those who understood the 'why' were also better able to practice self-compassion, improve their relationship with themselves and others, regulate their emotions more easily, manage stress and anxiety and feel more confident and calm in their everyday life.

In this course we want to help you to understand your 'why' and 'how' of your unique experiences of anxiety by providing understanding, evidence-based information and practical strategies.

We want to give you the tools so you can build strong foundations to give your anxiety a safe home to drop into.

Who are we?

We are both practising clinicians in Australia who work full time within our private practice, The Psych Collaborative.

Kat is a registered Psychologist who has extensive experience and interest working with clients who present with anxiety, adult ADHD, trauma and personality disorders. Kat works predominantly with clients who have presentations of generalised anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety and panic disorders, and has a passion in supporting clients in their journey to feel empowered through knowledge, normalisation and self-compassion for their anxiety.

Aimee is a registered Clinical Psychotherapist and has extensive experience and a special interest in trauma, attachment and work around the ‘self’. Aimee predominantly works with anxiety in relation to anxious attachment styles, people pleasing, perfectionism, body image, co-dependency and complex developmental trauma to heal unhealthy relationship patterns with self and others.

How do I know if this course is right for me?

This course will be helpful for you if:

You want to finally take control of and work with your anxiety, not against it

 You want to understand the ‘how and why’ behind your anxiety

 You want to be able to work through unhelpful thoughts or anxiety spirals

  You want to understand what triggers your anxiety

  You want to learn how to regulate your nervous system

  You want to find practical strategies that really work

 You want to find ways to care for your anxiety in a holistic and self-compassionate way

You are willing to put in the time to complete the course and the homework

What's included?

This course is a six week course consisting of six modules.

This includes over 100 pages of course content. Each week you will have access to a downloadable e-book which include activities and weekly videos discussing the content and demonstrating the skills.
Additionally bonus activities and a resource folder are also included.
This is a self-paced course, meaning it can done in your own time and can be accessed at anytime.

What's included in the self-paced option?

Over this six week self-guided course you will have access to weekly modules which include all the course content where you will learn about a new topic each week.

  Each module consists of an e-book which you can download and keep, alongside weekly video content that summarises the content and demonstrates the weekly skills in more depth.

A new module will be released each week, and you have access to this course over the lifetime that the course runs.

A separate resources folder for further reading

A separate activities folder further to download and keep

What will I learn?

Please see the weekly topics + what you can expect to learn

 Week 1: What is Anxiety?

This week delves into the science of anxiety and it's impact on your brain and body. This week helps you to understand your anxiety by learning how it shows up in your body and your thoughts. This week also helps you to understand the cycles of your anxiety.

Week 2: The Nervous System

This week delves into the nervous system and helps you to understand it's role in modulating anxiety. You will learn how to regulate your nervous system.

Week 3: Trauma + the Body

This week explores the impact of trauma on your anxiety. We deep dive into attachment and the Window of Tolerance.

Week 4: Core Beliefs + Triggers

This week helps you to understand and identify your triggers and core beliefs.

Week 5: The Foundations of Anxiety

This week you will learn the fundamentals of looking after your anxiety. Including the importance of sleep, movement and nourishment.

Week 6 : Self-Compassion

This week we discuss the importance of self-compassion in working through and healing anxiety. We also discuss the role of the inner critic and help you to practice self-compassion.

Choose a Pricing Option


I want to choose the check in option, however I am not able to start on 1st Feb, will there be any more planned later in the year?

We will be running more check ins throughout the year, check back or email us [email protected].au to be the first to hear of the next start date.

What if I can't make the live check in?

We record all check ins and they will be emailed to you if you cannot make it.

Should I only use this course to manage my anxiety?

This course is not in replacement of personalised psychological or pharmacological support, however is a wonderful addition to your toolkit. If you experience anxiety we always recommend you seek your own professional support.